I’ve just complete three short stories from the ‘exploits’ of James Urquhart and Elizabeth Bicester which I will be publishing on Smashwords and Kindle on 9th of March. They recount three humorous spooky adventures at a ‘haunted mill’, a visit to Hartlepool and Whitby and a holiday in Cornwall.
Here is the intro.
Occasionally when James Urquhart and his Victorian companion Elizabeth Bicester were not travelling back and forth in time and visiting other planets his sister and her boyfriend Sean took them on holiday. One would think that such vacations would be a welcome distraction but you will see in the three adventures they have selected from their diaries they do not always turn out as expected for when your with Sean, strange things happen.
We put this down to his origins in Kerry which as everyone knows is where the fairies live. If you go to Kerry you know what I mean because when you leave a fairy comes with you. You won’t notice the difference at first because it will be invisible but as life goes on you will hear on the odd occasion from a friend “Oh he’s off with the fairies again”. This seems to happen more regularly as time passes. Suffice to say that Sean has been to Kerry many times and in the process gathered up many fairies.