FREE on Sunday 27th August- 2 Free Kindle Books from the Time Travel Diaries.
The first and second book from the Time Travel Diaries will be free on 27th August, Bank Holiday Sunday
The Time Travel Diaries of James Urquhart and Elizabeth Bicester
Time Travel Diaries
The first and second book from the Time Travel Diaries will be free on 27th August, Bank Holiday Sunday
Three books from the Time Travel Diaries are free on Amazon KIndle – Sunday 20th August Out of Time A Drift Out of Time A House Out of Time
Free on Kindle Unlimited The Three Books from the Time Travel Diaries will be free on Sunday 20th August on Amazon Kindle
When time travelling a girl can never have enough clothes. Oh! and a willing partner to carry her luggage.We still don’t know how much extra she had to pay on EasyJet.
Here you can read all the time travel adventures of James Urquhart and Elizabeth Bicester for FREE in one book.