Last year I wrote and published three SciFi Time Travel ebooks and some short stories. The main criteria were- Not spending a penny on publishing or advertising. designing my own covers, not asking for reviews, Oh, and most important getting my wife and daughter to edit them.
The results were as follows;
280 downloads on Kindle, 891 on Smashwords, 100 on iBooks and 89 on Barnes & Noble.
Of these I actually sold 37 for money – after deducting the 4 I bought myself. The rest were free. This worked out as a ‘success’ rate of about 2.5% !
However, I did get three unsolicited good reviews which meant I had to shift about 300 copies per review which I believe is the norm.
I eventually joined Kindle Unlimited to see how I faired with KENP in Nov 2016. This of course meant stopping all the other outlets. By 25 Jan 2017 it recorded 3112 pages read from 3 books but didn’t tell me how many of my books were downloaded which is a bit annoying.
So after 12 months that’s where I am. Disapointing? No. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing the stories and got CreateSpace to print off copies. So whether I sell anymore or not I don’t mind beacuse I’ve now got some nice paperbacks of my own stories on my bookshelves to remind me of what I did last year.