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The Time Travel Diaries of James Urquhart and Elizabeth Bicester
Time Travel Diaries
Books and Stories from the Time Travel Diaries
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Out of Time
A Drift Out of Time
A House Out of Time
The Time Palace of Mars
The Space Between Time
Short Stories – The Webs of Time
The Time Travel Diaries Trilogy
What you need to know about James Urquhart and Elizabeth Bicester?
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Places and People
Mars and the Time Travel Diaries
The character of the Martians
Nikola Tesla and Time Travel
HG Wells and Time
Professor Rolleston: the Time Travel Diaries
Trying to Understand Time Travel
Writing the Time Travel Diaries
Photography and Art
Notes on Arthurian Literature
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Introduction to my Arthurian Notes
Arthurian Literature Bibliography
Climatic and Astronomical Events from the 4th to 11th Century
Arthurian Texts
Archaeological Resources
Bruce Macfarlane. Life of an Author and writer.
Blog page for The Time Travel Diaries
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